March 18, 2020 / Leave a Comment
With COVID-19 at the top of all of our minds, it’s been difficult to think about continuing to post podcast subjects unrelated to this pandemic. But thanks to some of our online and podcast gurus, we know sometimes podcasting can be a welcome break from all this pandemic talk. Today, we’re talking about the “glass cliff” for women in business and in politics. Join us and share with us your feedback and thoughts on this important topic.
Articles/books/etc. mentioned on today’s podcast:
- As promised, a picture of Marcy’s new puppy, Pearl, included here
- Big thanks to some of our favorite podcasters and online media mavens for encouraging us to go forth and post in a time of COVID-19. Shout out to Amanda Boleyn from the She Did It Her Way Podcast, Jessica Zweig from The SimplyBe. Podcast, Emilie Aries from the Bossed Up Podcast, and Women at Work from HBR Podcasts.
- Anderson Cooper’s epic takedown of Rod Blagojevich on CNN
- Rod Blagojevich’s profile in Chicago Magazine from 2017
- Don Lemmon craking up over finding Ukraine on a map
- Our love of liberal redneck Trae Crowder
- HBR – How Subtle Class Clues Can Backfire on Your Resume